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Hi, thanks for joining us! We are Jocelynne and Nelson, two dreamers who dared to create a beach-style brand, a brand that wants to be more than an online swimsuit store. We want to offer a different style, at Harmony we believe in the unique, the precious, and the lasting, That is why all of our collections are made as limited edition, with low inventory. All of our pieces are unique and exclusive, made by the hands of artisans from Colombia and Venezuela, with a sense of love and conservation.
With Harmony we want to transform and create fashion with sense and appreciation for the environment, that's why we create pieces with more quality than quantity. We want to be there for you, accompany you, and make you feel beautiful, special and relaxed every time you wear one of our garments. Our mission is to give value to the person, since there is nothing more important to us than making our clients feel part of the family.
Harmony: finding a place to be heard, cared for, and understood. Making this a commitment to always offer a quality product with a modern, light, and fashionable style, inspired by a harmonious lifestyle on the beach.
Jocelynne Gomez and Nelson Paez
Founders Harmony Beach Style